Fallout: New Vegas To Have Off-Screen Robot Sex?

Great. Now I want robot porn. Aw, who am I kidding, I’ve always wanted robot porn. From the Fallout: New Vegas ESRB rating:

…there is also an extended sequence suggesting (no depiction) sexual activity with a robot (e.g., “Fisto reporting for duty … Please assume the position,” “I suppose I should test you out … Servos active!” and “Something wrong with someone if they got to fuck a machine.”)

“No depiction (of) sexual activity”. Boo. I really wanted to see some robots smash their non-genitals together.

Shit I Don’t Have Time To Get To Links

 By Agent Scarlet, wallpaper version available here.

Brink Preorder To Include Fallout And Doom Themes [IGN]

DIY: Borderlands Psycho bandit papercraft mask [Gearbox Forums]

Preview the Fallout: New Vegas All Roads graphic novel on []

Sneak peek at Diablo III class tree skills [Daily Diablo 3]

Learn to play Fallout: New Vegas’ Caravan card game [IGN]

A cautionary tale: “I played Oblivion black out drunk and this is what happened” [Facepunch

RAGE engine id Tech 5 being kept within Bethesda family [IGN]

The Great Gamer Grrlz Swag Bag Giveaway

You know what’s the great thing about being media in a fan event? First, swag. Second, more swag. At this year’s almost-all-media E3 2010, it was tough getting my hands on any real bulk of giveaway items. They all required doing demos, which took hours of standing in line, and that can be hard to sandwich in when you have an appointment every other hour! But at this year’s PAX, I was able to not only take in a lot more demos, upping the potential for swag, but my magic yellow badge also got me extras of just about everything I (shamelessly) asked for. And now I’m giving it back to you guys, in my epic swag giveaway!

The first package contains a Sonic the Hedgehog lanyard, a set of stickers and a bandz bracelet from Okamiden, an Epic Mickey pin featuring the logo, a Hunted temporary tattoo, a set of four Bethesda postcards featuring scenes from Hunted, RAGE, Fallout: New Vegas, and Brink, a Portal 2 iPhone skin, a pin from Lord of the Rings: War in the North, a LEGO Universe beta key with a promotional figurine, a set of five Valkyria Chronicles II pins and a patch from Kirby’s Epic Yarn. All of this will be packaged up in a powder blue drawstring bag from Dragon Quest IX! The second pack, pictured below, features the Sonic the Hedgehog lanyard, Epic Mickey pin, Kirby’s Epic Yarn patch, Okamiden stickers and bandz bracelet, and the Valkyria Chronicles II pins, all in a green tote from FanGamer.  

To enter, simply leave a comment below through DISQUS, using a real email address that I can reach you at in the event you win. The contest ends when we reach 100 comments, so be sure to promote the link to get others to enter (comments are currently set to moderate, so please, bear that in mind and only leave one message). Only one entry per person. Contest limited to the US, UK, and Canada. Winners will be chosen at random, old school name in a hat style. 

Check back in soon for reviews and first impressions of several titles from PAX 2010, including Portal 2, Civilization V, Fluidity, Fallout: New Vegas, and more.

And don’t forget to ; I have an Okamiden bandz, a Kirby’s Epic Yarn patch, a set of Valkyria Chronicles II pins, and a Behemoth lanyard to give away in the upcoming days.

Good luck!

PAX 2010: GLaDOS Sweatshirt Guy

This sweat shirt makes me break a commandment. I covet it highly.

Fallout: New Vegas Coasters Now Available At Non-Kmart Location Of Gamestop

OK so you remember all the wailing and wearing of sackcloth that occurred when I told you about the Fallout: New Vegas coaster 4-pack that Kmart was selling with the pre-order? Yeeah. In a move that you’d think would make the fans happy (you know, ‘cept all those ones who already bravely ventured to their local Kmart. KMART, people), Bethesda has announced that the Fallout: New Vegas coasters are now available with your Gamestop preorder. Further more, for us cranky types, they mention that you can cancel your Gamestop preorder, and reorder on the spot to get the coasters, and they’re available with either edition.

For some, this might make the third time they’ve had to cancel and re-preorder. They were giving away posters at PAX, but only if you preordered on the spot. I suppose I could have have done it myself, but it hadn’t really occurred to me (with Fallout: New Vegas a mere few feet away from me, I’m surprised I could do much more than squeal and try not to from peeing myself like an excited puppy). 

Turn Your iPad Into A Laptop With This Handy Case

There. Now your iPad is only kind of useless. Don’t worry though, it’s still just as pretentious. 

As you can see, the above case essentially turns your iPad device into a laptop. Yours for $92, by KeyCase.


Glassy: Fused Glass Metroid Plate

Sprite Stitch Forums member Raquor recently made good use of a fused glass class and created this Metroid plate. Looks good enough to eat (off of)!

Wowser: Paper Mache Bowser Trophy Head

Mounted trophy heads are inherently creepy, but this one I could really get behind. Or in front of, menacingly brandishing a bat. It just looks cool.

For More Information, Create A Portal To Your Local Library

Ten bucks says this person spent at least a half hour picking the coolest books from their collection just for this photo.


More Cosplay PAX 2010

In this second batch of prime PAX cosplay, we have an impressive Captain Falcon (complete with punch), Zoey of Left 4 Dead fame, and Mario’s nemesis Wario. All three of whom responded by their character’s name while I hounded them like a paparazzo for their picture. That’s some dedication folks. 

CARL was there you guys. CARLLLLL.

They Might Be Giant: iPod Earbud Speakers

These would pair nicely with a giant novelty phone, don’t you think? 


Bethesda Softworks Podcast Now On iTunes

If you like to download things and listen to a lot of blah blah blah, and happen to be a fan of Bethesda, then this new podcast is the one for you. Bethesda Softworks, who of course are responsible for titles like Fallout 3, Brink, Hunted, RAGE, and more, now has one available through iTunes. Check it out at the link below.


Metroid: Other M Chalk Drawing PAX 2010

Knowing how precariously I had to dangle over a ledge to get this shot, I feel nervous just looking at it again. I also am re-experiencing the devilish urge to empty a water bottle all over the chalk drawing, just to see what’d happen. 

A mob, a mob is what would happen. I would never destroy such a thing of beauty, but I admit, the pure fury might have been a little beautiful, too.

Pull Up An L Block: Tetris Inspired Furniture

Think of the endless combinations. Just don’t, you know, make a solid straight line. Wouldn’t want your couch to disappear.  

[Behance via 1-Up]

All Things Portal 2 PAX 2010

If there’s anything I’m enjoying about my second major convention as a games writer (you know, besides the swag), it’s checking in on the games I saw from the first. In this case, it’s Portal 2, the fully realized sequel to the short smash hit original. While the E3 2010 closed door viewing I was privy to focused on showing off the new features and additions coming to Portal 2, the demonstration at PAX went into the new co-op aspect of the game, performed by a pair of charming robots, whom you can see in the teaser trailer above.

With two portal guns (which for clarity’s sake have been color coded red/orange or blue/purple), there are obviously a number of different puzzles that can be built versus the limitations of only one. Valve seems to have utilized this to the fullest, coordinating challenges that encourage (read: require) the cooperative use of both.

One notable co-op feature brings back a fun trick from the original. In Portal, you could make a portal above and below you to create a bottomless pit-like stunt for your own amusement.  In Portal 2, you can use that mechanism to actually launch your partner across great distances by pushing a lever while they free fall.

As with the single player campaign, the portal gun will be used to channel lasers to different parts of the room, at times assisted by the Redirection Cube. However, this was only one of the puzzles they showed. It will be interesting to see what they do with the Gels and the other Companion objects, like the Weighted Storage Balls (if anything).

All of this is of course performed with their signature flourish of comedy, with your robots emoting, high fiving, and sassing each other along the way. If there’s anything I’ve loved about the Portal 2 footage we’ve seen thus far, it’s the dose of humor with which they’ve garnished the game.

Portal 2 debuts February 2011 on PC, Xbox 360, and PS3.